GodotXRGameJam Entry Submitted!

Thats a wrap on this Godot XR Jam!  Just like last time I cant seem to cut scope when it comes to a VR project, idk what it is but I always bite off more than I can chew with VR games, but at least I wasnt crunching all week this time so thats progress right!  😅

Overall Im very happy with what I was able to get done in a week, and I didnt even really start the project until a few days in!  The goal this time was to get something more polished and complete than Downtown Daisy's was for the last jam, and I feel like I succeeded.  Next time I want to cut the scope even more and just do something simple but polished and refined.  I dont think Im going to do any post jam changes to this other than a bug fix or two I noticed after submitting, which honestly feels good.

Every project I do I try to learn something, this time I did more 3D modelling than I thought I was going to, and I definitely picked up some new things there.  Game dev wise, I didnt do anything wildly new, I did play around with the XR Tools levers a bit which was new to me, but otherwise it was a pretty straightforward project for me.

For now though, Im taking a break from game dev, this was a lot lol


ez-enchants-windows(InitialSubmission).zip 58 MB
36 days ago

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